Mirror ImagerorriM/Image
a Star Trek: The Next Generation novella
by Cyndi Bayless Overstreet

artwork by Margaret O'Quinn

Cyndi Bayless Overstreet, by far one of the most talented and popular writers in Star Trek: The Next Generation fandom, brings you her expert look at the character of Data, this time focusing on his love-hate relationship with his "evil twin" brother, Lore. Along with her usually well-developed original characters, she provides us with new insights into both their individual natures and their connections to each other.

Also featured in rorriM/Image is the talented artwork of Margaret O'Quinn, who is as deft at capturing the visual images of Data and Lore (no, they're not the same) as Cyndi is at capturing the differences in their personalities. Together, Cyndi and Maggie make for an outstanding team.

Special thanks for to Mindi French, who did an excellent job of editing this manuscript.

246 pages
Cover by Margaret O'Quinn

8½" x 11" size, comb binding.
Price: $18.25, US Priority Mail. $24.25, International Priority Mail.

Order from:

Randall Landers, 3211 Saddleleaf Avenue, Albany, Georgia 31721

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