by BEKi
Expanded from a story in Delta Quadrant 2

When Chakotay left Starfleet to join the Maquis, he did so because he had no choice. Now, almost a decade later and seventy thousand light years away from the war that forced him to sacrifice his Mure to the dictates of an intractable code of honor, he finds himself once again trapped. Struggling to save the life of an alien accused of terrorism, Chakotay loses traction on the treacherous footing of Starfleet regulations. Duty acquiesces to conscience, placing him in direct opposition to Janeway, Tuvok and the Prime Directive. While the fine is drawn and time runs out, Chakotay and Janeway must face the ultimate test of their commitment to not only duty and honor, but to each other and to the deeper issues that define who they are and who they will become.

180 pages with a color cover by BEKi
8½" x 11" size, comb binding.

         $16.00, US Priority Mail.
         $22.00, Elsewhere.

Order from:

Randall Landers
3211 Saddleleaf Avenue
Albany, Georgia 31721

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