edited by Randall Landers
ERIDANI is a Star Trek: The Next Generation fanzine which tries to capture the very essence of the new television series. There may be occasional violence, adult situations, nudity and rough language, but those instances are noted in the descriptions, and no age statement is required for this publication.
ERIDANI 2 features
"Have You Ever Tasted a Tree?" -- a novella by Cyndi Bayless Overstreet. This is the story of Data's encounter with the man who discovered him, an intelligent man, a kind man, but now a man on his way to face trial for treason against the Federation.
"No Goodbyes" -- by Natasha Mohor. What compelled Yar to leave her message tape? The author takes a look at her motivations.
"Someone Special" -- by Chris Dickenson. Reflections of Data's memories of Yar, and what she really meant to him. -- Adult situations.
"Just Good Memories" -- by Ann Zewen. These are recollections of the command crew as they watch Tasha Yar's message tapes. Well-written!
"A Question of Honor" -- by Joann Serger. Wesley felt like he was trapped in a role imposed upon him by others. But he soon met the daughter of an ambassador whose greatest dream is the freedom he has, and she's willing to risk everything--including her life--to be free.
116 pages, 8½" x
11" size, comb binding.
$11.75, US Priority Mail.
$17.75, Elsewhere.
Order from:
Randall Landers
3211 Saddleleaf Avenue
Albany, Georgia 31721
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