TheForgotten.jpg (115108 bytes)The Forgotten

a Star Trek: The Next Generation novella
written by Alyssa Montgomery
edited and cover art by Joey Rodrigues

The Enterprise is summoned to a remote world whose population is dying from unexplained illness. While the Enterprise staff races to find a cure, their attempts to render assistance quickly lead them into a tangle of ancient enmity, malevolence, and murder. Faded scraps of parchment, bits of half-remembered songs and the Ansorians' unique perceptions of the universe merge with the Enterprise's technology to provide answers that are as powerful as they are disturbing. Together, Picard and his crew face the very heart of evil, and learn that the past must be confronted before it can be forgotten.

192 pages
8½" x 11" size, comb binding.
Price: $14.75, US Priority Mail. $20.75, International Priority Mail.

Order from:

Randall Landers, 3211 Saddleleaf Avenue, Albany, Georgia 31721

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