edited by Ann Zewen

INTERLUDES explores the interludes of the lives of the Star Trek characters, that is the times before, between and after their official missions, including shore leave and off-duty periods. It looks at romance and family concepts and also includes a variety of other personal stories about the characters.

The first issue features:

''Where and When," written by Michelle Arvizu, explores the relationship between Jim Kirk and Gillian Taylor, while taking a somewhat more serious look at other emotional issues confronting the former admiral after the end of Star Trek: The Voyage Home.

"A Whale of a Time," by Teresa Conaway and Suzanne Hinr, looks back at 20th century San Francisco the disappearance of a certain scientist and a series of sightings of unexplained phenomena.

"All That They Had" by Helen Gletsos moves us into the future and the era of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine but keeps the focus on Classic Trek characters, exploring yet another aspect of the relationship between Spock and his father.

"A Time to Heal" by Joanne K. Seward, takes Jim Kirk and his friends back to Earth. An admiral once again, Kirk pays a visit to the Iowa homestead, where he comes to terms with some of the sorrows of his life and finds a renewed interest in life through the eyes of a friend.

Additional fiction by Ann Zewen.

154 pages with a color cover by Christine Myers.
8½" x 11" size, comb binding.
Price: $14.25, US Priority Mail. $20.25, International Priority Mail.

Order from:

Randall Landers, 3211 Saddleleaf Avenue, Albany, Georgia 31721

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