In The Box, by D. J. Nicholson, Picard awakens to find hlmselftrapped in a coffin-like enclosure. But why and how did he get there?
Beverly Crusher is finally coming to terms with the destruction of the Enterprise. Jean-Luc Picard convinces her to let him help. Together, they are Finding Time, by Louise Ellis.
Perchance to Live, by Ulrike Schaefer, takes us to the Picard estate in France, where Jean-Luc says goodbye to Robert and Rene. And as one part of his life ends, another begins--with Beverly Crusher.
The planet's name is Green. When Picard becomes lost, injured, and ill, he discovers it is a bit more than just a planet. And he finds someone he thought he had lost in Union, by Rosemary Cullen.
Ro's defection has hit Picard pretty hard. A holodeck program--and a friend--help to ease the pain, in A Time to Mourn, by Anne-Marie Flowers.
It was a harrowing mission, and Q decides that Picard needs a little ... relaxation? The setting is Dixon Hill's San Francisco, and Picard and Crusher must solve Q's 'mystery' before he'll return them to the Enterprise. Solved Mystery, by Marilee Rafferty.
Ever wonder just how Jean-Luc and Beverly met? Jean-Luc recalls that bittersweet moment in Robin M. Lyster's The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship.
Crusher accompanies Picard to La Barre, and later to Paris. When Vash shows up, both Beverly Crusher and Jean-Luc Picard discover their true feelings toward one another. Nothing Beside Remains, by Gail Molnar.
Picard's shuttle is destroyed by Cardassians, and he is Marooned on a strange planet in mid-winter. He is cold, sick, and exhausted when he meets Emily, who saves not only his life, but his heart as well. By Marilee Rafferty.
To atone for a joke he played on the doctor, Picard accepts her 'punishment': dinner and dancing. Which only leads to more 'punishment'--for both of them. The Captain's Dance, by Ulrike Schaefer.
Artwork by Janet D'Airo, Anne Davenport, Renee Levy, Joey Rodrigues and Gabi Stiene.
262 pages, 8½" x 11" size, comb binding.
$19.00, US Priority Mail.
$25.00, Elsewhere.
Order from:
Randall Landers
3211 Saddleleaf Avenue
Albany, Georgia 31721
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