The LEXICON is a guide to the Orion Universe, including all the characters, ships, planets, etc. mentioned in our website fan fiction, and includes all the material we consider part of the Star Trek canon, especially from those stories weve published over the years. In the future, we will release are appendices of starships, crew lists, alien races, uniforms and even star charts as well, but for now, the LEXICON contains pages upon pages of entries for everything mentioned in the Orion Universe.
The LEXICONs unique format is different from anything weve published before. Youll receive the 424 page reference book double-sided on three-hole-punch 20# paper along with the beautiful color cover by Joseph Melvin on 90# index. Youll be able to put the copies in a binder with a clear cover, sliding the cover art into the sleeve so youll be able to consult it at any time. Many of the proofreaders have been amazed at the content and how reading it can give you ideas for your next story, or insight into the latest story youve read.
The LEXICON is available in PDF format for free on our website. But if youd like to order a copy of the LEXICON, its just $29.00, Priority Mail Shipping to anywhere in the U.S., and $34.00 Global Priority Mail to anywhere else.
424 pages with a color cover by Joseph Melvin.
8½" x 11" size, three-hole punched paper
Price: $29.00, U.S. Priority Mail. $34.00, Global Priority
Mail shipping anywhere else.
Order from:
Randall Landers, 3211 Saddleleaf Avenue, Albany, Georgia 31721
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