Orion Archives: 2278
Encounters and Countermoves
Following the Serenidad Tragedy, the crew of
the Enterprise find themselves in completely new situations. Admiral James Kirk and
Captain Spock found themselves serving as instructors and deans at Starfleet Academy (all
the while being used in some special assignments for Starfleet), while other members of
the crew found themselves serving aboard different starships, some with friends, some with
strangers. This hiatus ends with the events in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan.
Encounters and Countermoves
written by Nicole Comtet
Doctor McCoy joins Captain
Spock, Commander Uhura and a number of other former Enterprise officers on a
cadet training cruise. They encounter a madman, rescue a stray cat, and conspire with the
Romulans. A fun story!
Artwork by Nomad,
Bonnie Reitz, Gennie Summers and Patty Wright.
170 pages, coil bound. US:
$14.50; Elsewhere: $20.50
Order from:
Randall Landers, 3211
Saddleleaf Avenue, Albany, Georgia 31721
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