Click Here to Order This NovelThe Final Reflection

John M. Ford

reviewed by Randy Landers

A unique novel for its day because it simply did not concentrate on the established Star Trek heroes. In fact, it's probably the first pro-novel to take this now all-too-common approach to advance the story. This particular novel is engaging and takes one of the most detailed look at the Imperial Klingon/Fusion Klingon concept that was later adapted by the FASA for its Star Trek role-playing game.

The novel itself follows the adventures of Vrenn, a Klingon-Human fusion who played the Game for the amusement of the Imperial Klingons. The apparent winner of one particular game, Vrenn suddenly finds himself adopted by Thought Admiral Kethas Epetai-Khemara and is raised by the admiral as his own. Later actions have Vrenn in the Klingon version of Starfleet Academy, and getting promoted time and again to the point that he's informed that he will be given command of a small scout and that his adoptive father is to be executed for treason. Vrenn takes the this news with the same aplomb as he does with all of the turmoils that life throws at him and simply changes his name to Krenn and accepts his new assignment of being a privateer for the empire.

Later in his career, Krenn is assigned to go to Earth to pickup a Federation ambassador to Klingon and return him to the Klingon homeworld. While on Earth, Krenn meets a variety of unique individuals, including a very protective Lady Amanda and a very young Spock. During the return to the homeworld, Krenn is betrayed by an old friend and ally, but is ultimately successful in his mission.

The book is well written, but if you're looking for Kirk, Spock and McCoy, you'll be disappointed. I recommend this one for fans of Klingons; the political machinations of their society are, in a word, fascinating.

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